Alright, let’s talk about this toxic attraction thing. You know, like when you’re stuck on someone like glue, but it ain’t the good kind, it’s the messy, sticky, bad-for-you kind. I seen it happen plenty of times, and it ain’t pretty.

First off, you gotta watch out for them red flags. What’s red flags? Well, it’s like when somethin’ smells fishy, but you keep sniffin’ anyway. Like, if they always gotta know where you are, who you’re with, what you’re doin’. That ain’t love, honey, that’s controllin’. Control is a big red flag.
And then there’s the yellin’ and the screamin’. Or maybe they don’t yell, maybe they just go all quiet and give you the cold shoulder. That silent treatment, it can cut you deeper than any knife. If they can’t keep their temper in check, or if they just shut you out, you better watch out. Anger and silent treatment, bad signs, real bad signs.
- Jealousy, that’s another big one. Now, a little bit of jealousy, maybe that’s normal. But if they’re flyin’ off the handle every time you talk to another person, that ain’t right. Unless you’re out there flirtin’ with everyone and tryin’ to make ’em jealous on purpose, they got no reason to be suspicious all the time. Too much jealousy is poison.
- And this “love bombing” thing. At first, they treat you like a queen, showerin’ you with gifts and compliments. Too much, too fast. It feels good, I know, but it’s like they’re tryin’ to trap you. And then, once they got you hooked, the real them comes out, and it ain’t pretty. Too much sweetness can hide a sour heart.
Another thing, if they lay a hand on you, even once, you get outta there. No excuses, no second chances. Physical abuse is never okay. Don’t matter if they say they’re sorry, don’t matter if they promise it won’t happen again. It ain’t worth the risk.
Sometimes, it ain’t so obvious. Sometimes, it’s the things they don’t say. Like, if they never talk about their feelings, or if they always change the subject when you try to talk about somethin’ important. Communication, that’s the key to any good relationship. If they ain’t talkin’, somethin’ ain’t right. Silence and evasion are sneaky red flags.
It’s like this, if you’re always walkin’ on eggshells around them, if you’re always worried about sayin’ the wrong thing, if you’re always feelin’ anxious and on edge, that’s your gut tellin’ you somethin’. Listen to your gut, it knows more than you think. Your body keeps the score. If you’re always tense and stressed around them, that’s your body saying ‘run!’ Your gut feeling is your best friend, listen to it.

And don’t go thinkin’ you can change them. I’ve seen women try that, try to “fix” their man. It don’t work that way. People gotta change themselves, you can’t do it for ’em. If they ain’t willin’ to see their own problems, there ain’t nothin’ you can do. You can’t fix a broken person, they gotta fix themselves.
So, if you see these red flags, don’t ignore ’em. Don’t make excuses for them. Get out while you still can. It might hurt like hell at first, but it’ll hurt a whole lot more if you stay. You deserve better than that. You deserve someone who treats you with respect, someone who loves you for who you are, someone who makes you feel good about yourself. You deserve love, real love, not some cheap imitation.
And remember, loving yourself is the most important thing. If you don’t love yourself, you gonna pick some bad apples. Self love is the best love. Pick yourself first always.
Toxic attraction is like a spider web, looks pretty, but it will trap and kill you. Be smart. A pretty face hides a cruel heart sometimes.
Tags: [toxic relationships, red flags, unhealthy attraction, emotional abuse, physical abuse, jealousy, love bombing, manipulation, control, communication, self-love, toxic attraction]