Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this… uh… “golf band” thing. My old man, he used to swing a golf club sometimes, back when his back wasn’t all creaky and whatnot. Never used no fancy bands though. Just his own two hands and a whole lotta grunting.

Now, these young folks, they got all sorts of contraptions. This “golf band,” they say it helps ya swing better, makes ya stronger. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but what do I know? I ain’t swung nothin’ heavier than a broom in years.
From what I gather, this “golf band”, it ain’t just one thing. It’s like a whole bunch of different stretchy things, like rubber bands on steroids. You pull ’em and stretch ’em, and apparently, it makes your muscles work harder. Like churnin’ butter, but without the butter.
They say it helps with your muscles, you know, those things in your arms and legs that make you move. Apparently, some golfers, they get stuck, like a fly in honey. Their swing don’t get no better, no matter how much they practice. So, they use these bands to get their muscles stronger. Makes sense, I guess. Stronger arms, stronger swing.
- I heard some of them bands, they’re like those blood pressure cuff things the doctors use. They wrap it ’round your arm or your wrist, and it measures stuff, like your heart beatin’ and how hot you are. Fancy stuff, I tell ya. Folks like Rory McIlroy, that fancy golfer, he wears one. He probably needs it, what with all that walkin’ and swingin’ he does.
- Then there’s those other bands, the stretchy ones. They say it can fix your “IT band.” Sounds like a road or somethin’, but apparently, it’s somethin’ in your leg that gets all tight and makes your knee hurt. All that twistin’ and turnin’ you do when you swing, it messes with your leg. So, these bands, they stretch it out, make it all loosey-goosey again.
I tell ya, it’s all a bit much for me. Back in my day, if you wanted to get stronger, you hauled hay and chopped wood. Didn’t need no fancy bands. But times change, I guess. And if these young folks want to use their rubber bands to swing their sticks better, well, let ’em. It ain’t hurtin’ nobody.
Now, they got all these exercises you gotta do with the bands. Pullin’ this way and that way, lookin’ like you’re wrasslin’ an invisible octopus. They say it helps with your “core,” which I guess is somewhere in the middle of ya. Makes you more stable, like a good ol’ oak tree. And that’s important for swingin’, I reckon. You don’t wanna be wobblin’ around like a newborn calf.

And they got exercises for your shoulders, and your hips, and even your little wrist muscles. Seems like they got a band for everythin’. It’s a whole-body workout, they say. Which I guess is good, if you’re into that sort of thing. Me? I get my workout chasin’ after the grandkids and makin’ sure they don’t set the house on fire.
So, is this “golf band” thing worth it? I dunno. Maybe it helps, maybe it don’t. But if it gets those golfers swingin’ better and feelin’ stronger, then more power to ’em. Me, I’ll stick to my broom and my gardenin’. That’s enough exercise for this old lady.
But if you’re thinkin’ about tryin’ it, go ahead. Just don’t go breakin’ the bank on it. And for goodness sake, don’t go swingin’ that golf club near my prize-winning petunias!
Anyway, that’s all I know about these “golf bands.” More trouble than they’re worth, if you ask me. But then again, nobody ever asks me nothin’ these days.
Tags: Golf, Golf Band, Exercise, Fitness, Strength Training, Flexibility, Workout, Golf Swing, Rory McIlroy, IT Band, Muscle, Resistance Band