Alright, guys, so today I’m gonna talk about how to request a trade on MLB The Show 24. I spent some time figuring this out, and I think I’ve got it down. Let’s get into it.

Starting My Journey
First things first, I booted up the game and hopped into my “Road to the Show” career. You know, the mode where you create your own player and try to make it to the big leagues? Yeah, that one. I started my career and played a bunch of games, trying to get my player’s stats up. I was hitting homers, making some slick plays in the field, and generally just balling out. But, I was stuck on a team that just wasn’t cutting it for me. I needed a change of scenery.
Finding the Trade Option
So, I started digging around in the menus. It took me a bit, but I finally found where the trade request option was hiding. You need to go to the “My Ballplayer” screen. From there, I navigated to the “Locker Room”. I was poking around for a minute when I found it.
Making the Request
Once I was in, I saw an option that said “Request Trade”. I clicked on that, and it brought up a list of all the teams in the league. Now, I had to pick which team I wanted to go to. I scrolled through the list, checking out the different rosters and trying to figure out which team would be the best fit for my player. After much thought, I decided that I want to be traded to the San Diego Padres. I selected them, crossed my fingers, and confirmed the request.
Waiting for the Decision
Then came the hard part – waiting. I played a few more games, keeping an eye on my email in the game, hoping to see some news about my trade request. It felt like forever, but finally, I got a message. My trade request had been approved! I was officially going to my chosen team.
Man, it was a good feeling. I immediately started playing with my new team, and it was like a breath of fresh air. New teammates, new stadium, new opportunities. It was exactly what I needed to take my career to the next level. The change of the team really boosted my player’s performance.

Final Thoughts
So, that’s how I managed to request a trade in MLB The Show 24. It’s not super obvious at first, but once you know where to look, it’s pretty straightforward. Just remember to play some games, get your stats up, and then head to the locker room to make your request. Good luck, and hopefully, you’ll end up on a team that’s a perfect fit for you!