Well, if you’re wonderin’ how much them umpires in Major League Baseball make, lemme tell ya, it ain’t too shabby. These folks, they’re not out there for just a little pocket change, no sir. As of 2023, them umpires can rake in an average of $230,000 a year! Now, that’s a heap more than what they were makin’ back in the year 2000, when the average was only about $115,000 a year. Makes you wonder how they’ve been doin’ it so long, don’t it?

But hold on a minute, that’s just the average! If you’re thinkin’ about the top dogs, like the ones who’ve been at it for years and are really good at callin’ them balls and strikes, well, they’re makin’ even more. Some of them experienced umpires, like Joe West, the big shot of the whole umpire world, he’s pullin’ in $450,000 a year! Ain’t that somethin’?
Now, if you ever watched a playoff game goin’ all the way to seven games, you might’ve noticed the umpires workin’ their tails off. For a full seven-game series, they can earn ’round $2,857 per game. Don’t sound too bad for a day’s work, right? But don’t get too excited just yet—it’s important to know that the exact salaries of MLB umpires are kept hush-hush. So, all them figures you hear, they’re estimates based on experience and the level they’re at. Some of them folks could be makin’ anywhere between $110,000 to $432,800 a season.
Now, if you think about the whole umpire thing like it’s easy, just remember—it’s not a walk in the park. You gotta have sharp eyes. Yup, them MLB folks expect umpires to have 20/20 vision, and I mean, they ain’t jokin’ around. You can’t be some old feller with glasses on the tip of your nose and expect to make the cut. And you gotta be in decent shape, too. Not too heavy, not too skinny—just right, y’know?
If you’re still curious about how much these umpires make, let’s break it down a little more. The highest-paid ones, like them folks who got a lot of experience and know what they’re doin’, they can earn quite a bit more than those just startin’ out. Some rookie umpires, they might be gettin’ paid $120,000 a year, and that’s pretty good for someone just gettin’ their feet wet. This salary is usually paid in 26 equal installments through the year, so it’s a nice steady income. But, the more you work, the more you make, of course.
So, there you have it! Umpires in Major League Baseball make a pretty penny, and if you stick around long enough, you could be one of them top earners, makin’ a whole lotta money just callin’ balls and strikes and makin’ the tough calls. Ain’t too bad a gig if you ask me.

Tags:[MLB umpires salary, how much do umpires make, Joe West salary, baseball umpire pay, MLB umpire pay scale, top paid MLB umpire, umpire salary 2023, Major League Baseball umpire income, baseball umpire job pay]