Well, I reckon most of ya’ll have heard of Gordon Ryan, the big grappler feller who’s been breakin’ records all over the place. Now, there’s somethin’ not so good goin’ on with him lately. His stomach’s been givin’ him a heap of trouble, and it’s been that way for quite a few years now. He started talkin’ about it in a podcast with Jake Shields, and folks been worried ever since. Turns out, his belly’s been botherin’ him since 2018, and it’s gotten worse over time. It’s a condition called gastroparesis, which is a fancy way of sayin’ his stomach don’t work right, and the food don’t move through like it should.

Gordon Ryan’s Stomach Struggles: What’s Been Happenin’?
Now, from what I gather, Gordon’s a real tough guy—he don’t like complainin’, and he’s been pushin’ through this stomach issue all while still wrestlin’ and competin’. But, there comes a time when a body can only take so much, don’t it? In May 2023, Gordon made the decision to step back from professional grappling, and that’s when folks started to pay real close attention. He said he had to retire for now, at least for a little while, to focus on his health. His gastroparesis has been actin’ up real bad, and it’s taken a toll on him, both physically and mentally.
What Is Gastroparesis, and Why Is It So Bad for Gordon?
Now, I ain’t no doctor, but from what I understand, gastroparesis messes with the nerves and muscles in the stomach. Normally, your stomach muscles push the food along, but with gastroparesis, the muscles don’t work like they should, and the food don’t move along as fast as it’s supposed to. It can cause all kinds of problems, like bloating, nausea, and pain. Gordon Ryan, bein’ a top-level athlete, gotta be able to fuel his body properly to train and compete at the highest level. But with this condition, he ain’t able to get the nutrition he needs like he should. It’s probably makin’ him feel weak and sick, and he’s been fightin’ through it for years now.
What makes it worse is that gastroparesis is somethin’ you can’t just cure with a little bit of medicine or a quick fix. It’s a long-term condition that requires real lifestyle changes, and it seems like Gordon’s finally comin’ to terms with the fact that his body just needs a break. He’s been workin’ with doctors, but it’s a slow road to recovery. Some folks say this condition could even mess with a person’s weight, and from what I’ve seen in recent photos, Gordon’s lost a fair amount of weight. It’s clear that this stomach problem’s takin’ a toll on his health.

Gordon Ryan’s Weight Loss and Social Media Updates
Now, folks been wonderin’ about Gordon’s weight loss, too. He’s lookin’ a bit thinner in some of the recent photos he’s shared on social media. Ain’t no surprise, really, given that his stomach ain’t workin’ like it should. He’s been real open about it, and I think that’s one of the reasons people are supportin’ him through this hard time. He’s not shy about lettin’ the world know what he’s dealin’ with. But, some people out there, they got their own opinions, and there’s been talk about whether maybe steroids are involved in his condition. But Gordon’s made it clear that his health problems ain’t got nothin’ to do with that. It’s all about his stomach condition.
Gordon Ryan’s Retirement: What’s Next?
Gordon’s retirement might just be temporary, but we’re all hopin’ he gets back to what he loves doin’—grapplin’ and competin’. He’s been a real inspiration to a lot of folks out there, showin’ that even when life throws a curveball, you can still push through and make somethin’ of yourself. But health’s gotta come first, don’t it? He’s been takin’ time to rest up and get better, and I reckon that’s the right thing to do. His fans are hopin’ that he can find a way to get his condition under control, so he can come back stronger than ever.
At the end of the day, everybody’s got their own battles to fight. Some folks fight ‘em in the ring, some fight ‘em behind the scenes. For Gordon Ryan, it’s been his belly that’s been the real challenge. But if anybody can get through it, I reckon it’s him. He’s one tough cookie, that feller.

Tags:[Gordon Ryan, Gastroparesis, Stomach Health, Grappling, MMA, Weight Loss, Health Struggles, Retirement, Athlete Health, Jake Shields]