Alright, so you wanna know about this AJ Lee and Kane, huh? Let me tell ya, it was a real head-scratcher, this whole thing. Like, what in the tarnation was goin’ on there? This little gal, AJ, and this big ol’ monster, Kane? Didn’t make a lick of sense, but that’s wrestling for ya, always tryin’ to pull a fast one on ya.
First off, you gotta understand, AJ, she was a spitfire. Small, but tough as nails, like a little banty hen. And Kane? Well, he was just… big. And scary. Wore a mask, didn’t talk much. You wouldn’t wanna meet him in a dark alley, that’s for sure. So, when they started this whole… thing… everyone was just kinda lookin’ at each other like, “Huh?”
It all started kinda weird-like. They weren’t exactly lovey-dovey at first. More like… I dunno, she was messin’ with his head, I reckon. AJ, she was always kinda flirty, ya know? But with Kane, it was different. It was like she saw somethin’ in him that nobody else did. Maybe she just liked ’em big and scary, who knows? Young folks these days, they do things that don’t make no sense to an old woman like me.
- They had this whole thing where she was tryin’ to “bring out the human” in him.
- Like, she’d give him these little pep talks and stuff.
- And then, wouldn’t ya know it, they started huggin’. And then… kissin’.
Can you believe it? Kissin’! It was the strangest thing you ever did see. I remember watchin’ it on TV and just shakin’ my head. My old man, he just grunted and said, “That ain’t right.” And I gotta say, I agreed with him.
But then, somethin’ changed. It always does in wrestling, doesn’t it? They started havin’ problems. Like, one minute they’re all lovey-dovey, and the next minute they’re fightin’ like cats and dogs. I tell ya, it was like watchin’ a soap opera, only with more body slams. There was this fella, Daniel Bryan, mixed up in it too. AJ was gonna marry him, I think. Then she didn’t. Young people and their love triangles! Always makin’ a mess of things.

Anyway, this whole AJ and Kane thing, it didn’t last forever. Nothin’ ever does in wrestling. They went their separate ways, had other feuds, other… romances, I guess you could call ’em. AJ, she ended up marryin’ another wrestler, CM Punk, if I recall correctly. Good for her, I say. Find yourself a nice fella who ain’t wearin’ a mask all the time.
And Kane? Well, he’s still around, I think. Still big, still scary. But he ain’t been huggin’ and kissin’ nobody lately, far as I know. Maybe he learned his lesson. Or maybe he just realized that wrestlin’ ain’t the place for romance. It’s a place for fightin’ and yellin’ and throwin’ each other around.
So, that’s the story of AJ Lee and Kane, as best as I can remember it. It was a weird time, that’s for sure. But hey, that’s wrestling for ya. Always tryin’ to keep ya guessin’. One minute you got monsters and fire, the next you got kisses and… well, whatever that was between AJ and Kane. It was somethin’ alright.
Looking back, it’s all a bit of a blur, like a crazy dream. But it definitely got people talkin’, that’s for sure. And I guess that’s the whole point, ain’t it? Get people talkin’, get ’em watchin’. And maybe, just maybe, sell a few t-shirts along the way.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go make myself a cup of tea. All this talkin’ about wrestling has got me all worked up.

Tags: [AJ Lee, Kane, WWE, Wrestling, Romance, Daniel Bryan, Divas, CM Punk]