Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this fella, Loma… or whatever his name is. Lomachenko, yeah, that’s it. They say he’s a big-shot boxer, but seems to me he’s been losin’ a whole lot lately. Folks keep talkin’ about all his losses, so I figured I’d chime in, ya know?

First off, this Haney fella. They fought in May 2023, and them judges, they said Loma lost. Unanimous decision, they call it. Sounded mighty fancy, but all I know is Loma didn’t win. Folks were arguin’ left and right about it, sayin’ it wasn’t fair. But a loss is a loss, that’s what I say. My old man used to say, “No matter how loud you yell, a hen don’t lay square eggs.” Means even if you complain, the outcome don’t change, see?
Then there was that other fight, back in 2020, against Lopez. Same story, different fella. Lost again, this Loma did. Judges all agreed again, 119-109, 117-111… big numbers, but all they mean is Loma got beat. Took place in Nevada, fancy place called MGM Grand somethin’ somethin’. Don’t matter how grand the place is, losin’ still stings, I reckon.
- Haney fight – Lost
- Lopez fight – Lost
Now, I ain’t no boxing expert, mind you. I just see a fella losin’ and folks talkin’ about it. Seems like Loma used to be a real hotshot, winnin’ all the time. But lately? Not so much. Reminds me of that ol’ rooster we had back on the farm. Used to strut around like he owned the place, then one day, he just couldn’t crow no more. Got old, I guess. Happens to the best of ’em.
People say Loma is still good, still got some fight left in him. Maybe so. But losin’ ain’t somethin’ you can just brush off. It sticks to ya, like mud on a boot. You start doubtin’ yourself, wonderin’ if you still got it. It’s like when my prize-winning tomatoes wouldn’t grow one summer – all that work, all those hopes, just gone. Makes you wanna give up, ya know?
I hear tell Loma’s had other fights too, won some, lost some. But these two big losses, the Haney one and the Lopez one, those are the ones folks keep yappin’ about. And when folks keep yappin’, you gotta figure there’s somethin’ to it. Like when the cows start moo’in’ extra loud, you know a storm’s comin’. It’s just common sense.

Some folks say he’s gonna come back stronger, prove everyone wrong. Maybe he will. But he’s gotta stop losin’ first. Can’t keep goin’ around gettin’ beat and expectin’ folks to think you’re the best. Reminds me of that time my grandson tried to fix the tractor with a butter knife. Got good intentions, but just ain’t gonna work. You gotta have the right tools, the right skills, and the right somethin’ inside ya.
So, what’s the deal with all Loma’s losses? Well, I reckon it just means he ain’t been good enough lately. Plain and simple. Maybe he’s gettin’ old, maybe he’s lost his edge, maybe he just ain’t as good as folks thought he was. Whatever the reason, he needs to figure it out and start winnin’ again, or else folks will just keep talkin’ about all them losses.
And let me tell ya, once folks start talkin’, it’s hard to shut ’em up. Just like tryin’ to herd chickens in a windstorm. It’s a mess, a real mess. And Loma, well, he’s got himself a whole mess of losses to deal with. Hope he figures it out, I do. Nobody likes a loser, not even in the fightin’ game.
Boxing is tough business, I reckon. One minute you’re on top, the next you’re on the bottom. Loma’s learnin’ that the hard way, it seems. Just like that time the price of corn dropped so low, we barely made enough to keep the lights on. Hard times, hard times.
Folks will keep watchin’ though, that’s for sure. See if Loma can turn things around, get back to his winnin’ ways. It’s like waitin’ for the first frost, you know? You just gotta wait and see what happens. And right now, everyone is waitin’ to see if Loma will win, or if he’ll just keep addin’ to that list of losses.

Tags: Lomachenko, Boxing, Losses, Haney, Lopez, Fight, Defeat, Championship, MGM Grand, Unanimous Decision